Cultural Events
"The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people"

Make food, not war! We all come from different places with diverse cultures, but there's one thing we ALL have in common. Doesn't matter where we come from.....we all LOVE FOOD! Oh wait, let us make some correction to that: We all love FREE FOOD!!! FoodFest is our annual event in the Fall to celebrate cultural diversity on campus through different cuisines and cultural performances. Just swipe your Duke Card, and you'll receive free food vouchers! (amazing, huh?)

Springternational is our annual event in the Spring to promote cultural awareness and diversity to the Duke community. It is a good opportunity for various cultural groups and individual students to showcase their respective cultures and customs. Every year, more than 20 student groups and 2,000 students participate in this event. Springternational is considered one of the biggest on-campus events in the spring semester, and is full of fun and excitement!

WorlDuke is an artistic celebration of Duke’s diversity, with the hope of providing an open platform for the underrepresented and misrepresented communities at Duke to bring their unique voices on stage. We aim to create an atmosphere of understanding, appreciating, and learning the rich cultural panorama at Duke through different means of artistic and creative performances.
Global Awareness Week

Global Awareness Week aims to bring student diversity on Duke’s campus to life through a series of events focusing on understanding global politics, celebrating cultural diversity and discussing different social issues with various student groups on campus. Events that happened in Global Awareness Week include The IA Semi-Formal, Militaries Around the World, Global Mental Health of Domestic Abuse, Massage Night, etc.
Traditional Attire Photo Contest

In Fall 2020, we held a Traditional Attire Photo Contest to celebrate the rich diversity in the Duke community! Participants can send in a picture of them wearing a traditional costume that represents their culture, which will be shared on IA's Facebook page. We then tallied up the likes, comments, and shares to determine the winner.
Human Library

DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER! Human library is an annual event where members of the Duke community will come check out “books”, which will be Duke students/professors who tell meaningful stories about themselves. The interaction is based on dialogues, where the audience ask questions while story-tellers answer as they tell the stories.
Pangea Night

Want to dance to hit music from all corners of the globe; K-pop, salsa, hip-hop, kompas from the Caribbean, Nigerian R&B, your top 40 essentials and more? Wish to enjoy a delectable selection of bites such as Buffalo chicken wings, classic Spanish churros, Japanese mochi ice cream and everything in between? Duke International Association welcomes you to PANGEA NIGHT. This event aims to celebrate the diversity of clothing, music, food, and dance around the world.
Freshmen Welcome BBQ

With students from more than 80 countries, how do we promote cultural exchange on campus? How do we do more than just share a space and share our experiences? What better way to start the conversation than over FREE food from the IA Freshmen Welcome BBQ.