Other Projects
We value new ideas and the courage to bring these ideas into action.
Every year, besides out annual events, which attract thousands of students, faculties, and residents, we encourage our members to take initiative and implement cool projects that they are passionate about. Any member, regardless of their title, can take the lead and we, as an organization, support these projects to our best. Many projects have been carried out and shown to be not only supportive of our mission of cultural diversity and awareness, but also very unique and needed on campus.
Freshmen Mentorship Program
In Fall 2020, we launched our premier mentorship program to connect primarily international first-year students with upperclassmen. This mentorship program works by pairing international freshmen with upperclassmen (in twos or threes) based on a multitude of things: your background, your interests, even your goals after Duke… By doing so, we hope our first-year mentees will be able to connect with campus life despite being miles away; for upperclassmen mentors, we believe this would be a great chance for you to foster deep and meaningful relationships with other Dukies and contribute to the Duke international community at large.
International Student Spotlight Series
IA's International Student Spotlight Series aims to introduce international students and their experiences to the Duke community. We hope to continue this for the rest of the school year, bringing you a post once a week, every week. We plan to showcase Duke international students, their diverse and unique interests, experiences with COVID and remote learning, as well as their identities and passions - Brought to you by IA.
Thriving and Striving
In Fall 2019, we hosted Thriving and Striving: Fostering personal growth for international students, a panel discussion that addresses the following topics: What programs and activities can international students contribute to and benefit from? How can international students improve their mental well-being on campus? How does Duke work to protect the rights of international students? All of our panelists were international students at some point, so their academic and professional careers are also informed by their previous experiences!
International Ambassadors Program
The International Ambassadors Program is organized by International Association (IA) with the support of the Duke Undergraduate Admissions Office.Our goal is to provide prospective international applicants with the opportunity to learn about Duke University through information sessions given by current Duke Undergraduates. It also provides Duke students with the opportunity to get involved with Duke's undergraduate recruitment process, as well as to promote Duke to the international community. IA is excited to bring this program to the Duke community in the hope of furthering Duke’s global presence and to promote diversity on campus.
Panel Discussions
This panel series provides opportunities for students to learn about some of the most pressing issues going on in the world. For example: Conflicts in Syria- Children and the Refugee Crisis: Nearly 12 million Syrians have been forced to move away from their homes because of the Syrian Civil War. At least 7.6 million people have been displaced within Syria, and more than 4 million have fled as refugees in neighboring countries. This is an interactive panel with speakers from AMES, Amnesty International, Duke Law School and DukeEngage. Each one will give you different perspectives about the issue.
Internship Panel
This panel provides international students an opportunity to learn more about interning in the U.S, as an international. Our panelists will be talking about their recruiting process and internship experience! We have great panelists who interned in Bank of America Merrill Lynch, McKinsey and Company, IBM, Swiss Reinsurance, and Altman Vilandrie.
Dinner Series
Duke Global Minds over Dinner is a dinner series organized by Duke International Association, and every 3-4 weeks, we invite international professors in different departments to talk about culture, experience and life with 6-8 students. Delicious food from different cultures will be provided in each dinner!
Project X
PROJECT [X] is the premiere showcase organized by International Association for Global Awareness Week, and ARTivism, a student led initiative that aims to instill a culture of activism through art by empowering different groups at Duke to use their skills and talent to showcase global issues through various artistic media.
Second Impressions
This is International Association's project to showcase our members to the rest of Duke and to urge people to break stereotypes by going beyond first impressions and taking a closer look at people's stories. We plan to turn this into a campus wide project over the course of next semesters. Twice a week, every week - Brought to you by IA.